Darn you stress and blue mountain dew!
So I have had the most stressful week I have had in a long time..(I just want to say I wish people would just be nice and not so judgmental which will happen as soon as a total stranger hands me a gazillion dollars!) Anyways back to stress and blue mountain dew..I am definitly a stress eater so I didn't eat that great, but I also didn't do terribly awful either. Its so hard n expensive to eat right. There are so many factors like stress, time, and money that causes failure when trying to change your eating habits, I wish there was a simple answer, but when you try to look for an answer you get millions of websites and its impossible to narrow it down... Last night one of my good friends asked if I wanted to walk while our kids were at dance class (which is a whole hour! lol) I said sure it would be great...During the walk my boyfriends son, who I gave a few dollars to get himself and my kids something at the store, called and said they have a whole 2 liter of blue mountain dew. To those of you who are not familiar with this a few months ago mountain dew releases a few limited edition flavors, one of them being blue, that have since been discontinued so it is difficult to find it. It tastes like liquid fizzy cotton candy and its delicious! So of course I said BUY IT!!! I came home..cracked the bottle open and drowned my sorrows away with over a liter of liquid sugar....Feeling great this morning though!!! |
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